The chimney flue, also known as the chimney liner, is a little-known part of the home that actually serves a vital function in the safety of your home. Its function is so important that fire experts even recommend having your home’s chimney inspected annually for maintenance and repair. As a leading contractor in exterior painting, chimney flashing we want to help you become aware of the dangers that follow a cracked chimney flue, and why it should be addressed immediately.

What’s a Chimney Flue?
The chimney flue is a pipe-like liner that helps any chimney operate safely. While a chimney without any lining is technically still a chimney, the flue is considered an essential part of the structure. It’s important to note that having a chimney without a liner is almost unthinkable since this can pose a great danger to any home, while a chimney with a cracked or otherwise damaged flue presents its own unique risks. Damage of any kind, especially minor cracks, can affect the safety of your home.
Why Should a Cracked Flue Be Fixed Immediately?
Over time, the consistent smoke and ash slowly deteriorates your chimney and its surrounding architecture. In fact, stone work is most vulnerable to long-term damage because the gases inside a chimney are acidic and can corrode even the finest masonry work. If there’s no chimney flue, the acidic materials can easily penetrate the brick and mortar. Keep in mind that mortar joints quickly erode without a proper chimney flue. This eventually exposes the outer masonry to moisture, which can slowly make your chimney lean and collapse. This is why we recommend having it regularly maintained by a professional chimney and roofing contractor and repair any visible damage your chimney flue had already sustained.
If you already found a crack and choose to ignore it, the safety of your home will be compromised. Without a properly functioning flue to control the flow of combustible materials, the heat and gases will move much faster and can easily spark a flame when in contact with materials like insulation and wood. Neglecting to fix the cracks in your chimney flue can also lead to drafts, which become more susceptible to accumulation of highly flammable compounds in wood-burning appliances as well as carbon monoxide in gas-fueled ones. This ends up with even greater hazard risks and a costly chimney and roofing repair.
When you need a professional roof replacement contractor to inspect and repair your cracked chimney flue or chimney flashing near me then consider hiring Hynes Roofing & Siding. Call us today at (610) 896-6388, or you can also contact us through our online form. We serve Ardmore and surrounding PA areas.

(President, Hynes Roofing and Siding)
With over 35 years experience in the roofing and siding industry, Michelle Hynes has built a business from 2 people into over 45 people and 19 trucks!